Usage of the council room


To start an audiovisual system, touch screen anywhere. Welcome screen should appear. Next, press a START button.

If projector is powered off and screen rolled up, press PROJEKTOR.

In order to power up a projector, press ON. Here we can choose which device we'll be using by presing appropiate button. Currently chosen device is indicated by blue button color.

To return to previous menu, press green arrow in the top right corner.

Volume control is available under AUDIO button.

To stop system's work return to main menu and press KONIEC. All devices will turn off.

To start recording press NAGRYWANIE. Select USB as storage medium. It should be inserted into locker under the desk. Press RECORD, and PLAY afterwards. To stop recording press STOP. Subsequent recording are not overwritten but saved independently.


Computer automatically logs into guest account.

Laptop and pendrive can be plugged into flip-open panel in a desk.

Visualiser has to be turned on with round button in the device's bottom left corner.

Wireless microphones can be rented from a doorman.

In case of any issueas please contact administrators at number 61829-5319.

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